What do you need to achieve successful delivery of every project in a multi-project environment?...
Resource Optimization In a Multi-Project Environment: Main Challenges and Ways to Tackle Them With Resource Management Software
Optimum utilization of resources’ potential is not only the key to the successful completion of...
What Is a Resource Management Solution and Why Do You Need One? (Questions and Answers)
Poor resource management and a lack of appropriate software are on the list of the biggest project...
AI in Project Management: Is the Future Already Here?
According to Gartner, by 2030, 80% of project managers’ tasks will be run by AI, powered by big...
Hiring Extra Employees vs. Adopting a Resource Management Solution: Сhoosing the Right Investment
When a company needs to deliver more orders, it may seem natural to hire more resources to fulfill...
Eating an Elephant One Bite At a Time: What Are Deliverables in Project Management?
We all know how difficult it can be to approach a large new endeavor. For example, standing in the...
Epicflow Updates: Advanced Task and Load Management with a Task List’s Group Tab
Our mission is to simplify multi-project resource management, help project teams be maximum...
A Beginner’s Guide to Resource Management
Successful project delivery is usually a result of efficient management of both workflow and...
Why No Miracle Happens: Typical Mistakes in Work with a Resource Management Solution and How to Avoid Them
It sometimes happens that an organization invests in implementing a resource management solution....
A Business Case in Project Management: Why Start a Project?
Whatever great idea is behind a project, it won’t be implemented without stakeholders’ buy-in and...
A Guide to Project Integration Management
Every project management activity doesn’t exist in isolation – they are all related to and...
Assessing Change Management Effectiveness: Essential Metrics
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” Peter Drucker, management author No matter what...