When managing multiple projects, it’s critically important to put your effort into the most...
7 Current Trends in Project Management [2025]: What to Prepare for?
As we’re stepping into 2025, it’s high time to discover what trends in project management are...
How to Prevent Project Failure in Multi-Project Management: Useful Tips
How can you ensure the successful completion of all projects in your pipeline? To be sure that...
Increasing Profitability In Times of a Crisis: How the Right Approach to Project and Resource Management Can Help Improve Business Outcomes
How can organizations ensure sustainable business growth and increase profitability during an...
Top 11 Must-Read Project Management Books
Becoming a competent and sought-after project manager is impossible without constant professional...
Setting Priorities in a Multi-Project Environment: What You Need to Know
In our hectic world, where you have many irons in the fire, prioritization is the only key to...
Managing Resources in a Multi-Project Environment: Common Challenges and Ways to Solve Them
Efficient resource management is at the heart of the efficient delivery of multiple concurrent...
Project Cost Estimation: Overview of the Process, Main Challenges, and Recommendations
Estimation of project cost is one of the core practices of the project initiation stage, which...
4 Tips on Efficient Resource Allocation in a Multi-Project Environment
Allocating the right resources to the right tasks at the right time is not an easy task. But if...
Resource Capacity Planning: What, Why, and How
Making sure that a company has enough resources to complete its projects successfully is one of...
The Human Side of Project Management: How to Deal with Behavioral Aspects Affecting Your Success
Any project is vulnerable to risks and uncertainties that sometimes can’t be predicted and...
4 Lessons Learned from Project Failures in Construction
Project delays and failures lead to billions of dollars in losses as companies lose to their...